This manual contains maintenance instructions for the FM/AM-1200S and FM/AM-1200A Communications Service Monitors. Company of heroes 1 utorrent for mac. The information in this manual will enable the technician to: 1. Service, test, repair or replace any major assembly or module within the test set.
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- View and Download IFR Systems FM-1600S maintenance manual online. Communications service monitor. FM-1600S receiver pdf manual download. Also for: Am-1600s.
- Appendix A: IFR 1200 Test Procedures. APPENDIX A: IFR 1200 TEST PROCEDURES. M T- 4E TESTING WIT H TH E IFR 1 2 0 0 BY AER OFL EX This Chapter contains instructions for Tuning, Testing.
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This manual contains maintenance instructions for the FM/AM-1200S and FM/AM-1200A Communications Service Monitors. Company of heroes 1 utorrent for mac. The information in this manual will enable the technician to: 1. Service, test, repair or replace any major assembly or module within the test set.
Type: (PDF)
- View and Download IFR Systems FM-1600S maintenance manual online. Communications service monitor. FM-1600S receiver pdf manual download. Also for: Am-1600s.
- Appendix A: IFR 1200 Test Procedures. APPENDIX A: IFR 1200 TEST PROCEDURES. M T- 4E TESTING WIT H TH E IFR 1 2 0 0 BY AER OFL EX This Chapter contains instructions for Tuning, Testing.
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Ifr 1200 Service Monitor Manual
This manual contai ns Instructions for operat i ng the FM/AM-1200S/A Communications Service Monitor. The instruction level of this manual i relatively basic and presupposes no previous experience' on the part of the operator with a communication service monitor of this type. A basi understand!ng, however, of communication electronics and practical troubleshooting methods will be helpful. It is strongly recommended that operator be thoroughly familiar with Sections 1 through 3 of this manual before attempting to perform any operating procedures contained in Section 4. APPLICABILITY All information contained in this manual applies to both the FM/AM-1200 and FM/AM-1200A models, except where otherwise noted. For reasons of brevity, whenever text information is applicable to both models, the units are referenced as 11FM/AM- 1200S/A' (instead of FM/AM- 1200S and FM/AM-1200A separately). ORGANIZATION The operation manual is divided into the following major sections: SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Provides a brief intro du c t i on to the F M/AM-1200S/A including pur pose, functional capabilities and uses. SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION Provides a step-by-step procedure for setting up the FM/AM- 1200S/A for operation. SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS, CONNECTORS & INDICATORS Identifies and functionally describes all FM/AM-1200S.A controls connectors and indieat or s. SECTION 4 - OPERATION Contains instructions for operating the FM/AM-1200S.A Keyboard and VFD. Using the Keyboard, the operator can enter data into the FM/AM-1200S.A in the following modes: 1. Direct Data Entry 2, Programmed Data Entry into Memory 3. Executed Data Entry from Memory In addition to Keyboard operation, this section contains a selection of basic operating procedures pertaining to all major functions of the FM/AM-1200S.A. SECTION 5 - AVAILABLE OPTIONS Contains descriptions and operating procedures of available options to the FM/AM- 1200S/A. Useful supplementary information relating to the operation of the FM/AM-1200S.A is contained in appendices at the rear of the manual. (See Table of Contents for a detailed list of manual contents.)